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Neolin reviewed my responsibilities as we walked the fields. A monarch butterfly advanced upon us fluttering amongst the three of us as if to be a part of our conversation, or maybe it was to remind us not to forget to notice the beauty which surrounded us. Neolin held his exuberant index finger out as if to entice the delicate creature with a place of rest. The butterfly graciously accepted his reprieve and landed gently atop of a very wide perch. Neolin raised his hand higher as this exquisite soul gently moved his wings up and down for us to appreciate his magnificence. 
     “This butterfly is a reminder of our daily consciousness. We, as all living creatures, shall hover above to realize all the blessings which encompass us.” Our small friend danced on Neolin’s finger fluttering as to keep his balance during his repose. Neolin smiled, “Enjoy the allure our Makers have enabled us to observe.” The delicate attributes were quite a contrast to Neolin’s rugged façade.  


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