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excerpts from BeingKind - A Brave New Race

Excerpts from BeingKind  - A Brave New Race:
The stars shone brightly, and the sky encompassed the worlds afar in a midnight blue. Duke gave a healthy pour of ara. The creamy white beverage was refreshing and nutritious which encouraged Duke to have another. Duke poured a second hefty cup for himself before I took a second sip of my first. He reclined in his chair and studied the sky. 
"Ah, the deserving end of a productive day." Steam flowed out of his mouth as he spoke. 
I pulled my wool hat down over my ears and leaned towards the firepit to warm my exposed fingers that protruded through my work gloves. A small buzz passed us by to remind us that we were not alone. 
"I heard they found human bones buried in the caverns," I casually remarked. 
"Yes, I believe family units used some as burial grounds for their beloved and livestock."
"Hmm," I leaned back with my hands placed firmly behind my head. "Cremation would be the civil thing to do."
Silence fell between us as we gazed to the heavens above. Cries of controlled wildlife in the distance made our horses uneasy as they anxiously circled the corral. We finished our bottle of ara and soon retired to our tents.


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